One Common Question I get asked often is, what is the best time to do Maternity Photos?
Maternity photos are such a memorable time in your life and it deserves to be captured. Your beautiful body is changing and bringing to you this miracle. I am not saying it is easy, btw. I have been blessed to go through 3. So I know going through each one was very different and not always a walk in the park. There are the benefits like glowing skin, gorgeous locks, and special attention from others. There are some downsides like tiredness, sleeplessness, and swollen feet/ankles. Overall, even if you don’t feel your best you should still get your photos taken because you will not only miss the baby bump but you will also want to relive these moments through photos later on in life. The truth is although this can seem to be a difficult time in your life, there is something magical about it as well.
Now lets discuss what would be the best time to get these pregnancy photos taken.
Since each trimester varies in levels of comfort, I would recomment booking sometime in your 2nd trimester. The best time would be around 28-35 weeks. This is the time your belly is showing but you are able to move around comfortably. This timeframe is also when you feel your best. You are resting better and eating is back to normal. In the end, I would suggest doing the pregnancy photos when you are comfortable moving around, feeling your best, at the same time carrying your precious baby belly:)